“I have built thee an exalted house, a place for thee to dwell in for ever.” -2 Chron 6:2

The Eastern Christian Faith

  • Liturgy

    The Byzantine Tradition offers a rich liturgical experience. Combining reverence, piety, and ancient customs, the liturgy of the East provides a refuge in which one may worship in peace, setting aside the cares of this life that we may look forward to the Kingdom to come. In addition to Divine Liturgy, OLPH regularly offers services of the Divine Office such as Vespers and the Hours in addition to paraliturgical services like Akathists and Molebens.

  • Catholicity

    As Members of the Body of Christ, our local Church (the Byzantine Ruthenian Metropolitan Church Sui Juris of Pittsburgh, USA) enjoys the privelage of intercommunion with the Universal Church through Apostolic Succesion and the recognition of our Sacraments, Ordinations, and Litrugical Practices by the Holy See. Keep scrolling to learn more!

  • Spirituality

    The spirituality of the Christian East is steeped in the writings of the Church Fathers and the mysticism of the desert monastics of long ago. Through an emphasis on Scripture, contemplative prayer, and a rich chant tradition, Byzantine Spiritual offers a perspective not found in the fleeting trends of the modern age. Visit OLPH and experience it for yourself!

The Ruthenian Metropolitan Church of Pittsburgh, USA

Under the auspices of Met. Archbishop WIlliam Skurla, the Eparchy of Passaic is part of the Byzantin Ruthenian Metropolitan Church Sui Juris of Pittsburgh, USA. As a self-governing Church, the Pittsburgh Metropolia is in Full Communion with the Roman Pontiff while retaining its own identity and hierarchy as an independent Eastern Christian Church.

What Makes OLPH “Byzantine”?

“I saw the priest give that baby Communion…I thought you said you were Catholic?”

“Wait…Byzantine Catholics…you’re Orthodox…right?”

“Oh, yeah I know the Byzantines… aren’t they just those Roman Catholics with a “different Mass”???“

There is often much confusion, rumor, speculation, and misinformation regarding Byzantine Catholics. Thankfully, the Eparchy of Passaic has gone to great lengths to clear up any and all misconceptions as to who Byzantine Catholics truly are.

“Therefore, holy brethren, who share in a heavenly call, consider Jesus, the apostle and high priest of our confession.” -Hebrews 3:1