“Do not neglect good deeds and generosity; God is pleased by sacrifices of that kind.” -Heb 13:16



In Luke’s Gospel we read that after the birth of Jesus, Mary and Joseph “brought him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord…and to offer a sacrifice according to what is said in the law of the Lord, ‘a pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons.’" [2:22.24] The One who gave the Law deigned to submit Himself to the Law in order to fulfill the Law through His voluntary sacrifice.

The concept of sacrifice (tithing) is as ancient as the Faith itself. Fortunately, because of Christ’s sacrifice, we no longer have to pay the Temple priests for animals used in ritual sacrifice to support the Temple. Rather, we donate monitarily to help support the Temple, additionally offering the bread, wine, wheat, and oil for services, as is the ancient Christian custom.

Help to support the mission of OLPH to make available the Sacraments and to spread the Gosepel of Jesus Christ by offering via Tithley today!


Lend a helping hand.

The first covenant God made with humanity was to “be fruitful, multiple, and have dominion over the earth” [Gen 1:28]. To have “dominion” is to be a faithful and wise steward of Creation. In order for a parish to be “fruitful and multiple,” stewardship is a MUST! The donating of one’s time and God-given talents is just as important as monetary contributions. Find YOUR place at OLPH!